Command-line Interface ====================== When hface is installed, it can be run using the ``hface`` command: .. code-block:: shell hface --help Alternatively, you can run it as a Python package: .. code-block:: shell python3 -m hface --help Server ------ An HTTP server can be started using the ``hface server`` subcommand: .. code-block:: shell hface server \ --cert certs/cert.pem --key certs/key.pem \ hface.server.examples.hello \ http://localhost:5080 https://localhost:5443 The first positional argument is a dotted path to a Python module with an ASGI_ application. The ASGI standard is supported by many application frameworks. The rest of positional arguments specify endpoints where the server should listen. The server can listen to both secure (HTTPS) and insecure (HTTP) connections simultaneously. It can listen at both IPv4 and IPv6. The server supports all HTTP versions: HTTP/1, HTTP/2, and HTTP/3. To check HTTP/3 support in a browser, your application has to send the ``Alt-Svc`` header. You can use ``hface.server.examples.alt_svc`` for that purpose. .. hint:: Google Chrome may not switch to HTTP/3 if you are not using a TLS certificate from a well-known certificate authority. To bypass that limitation, you can run Chrome with a command-line option ``--origin-to-force-quic-on=localhost:5443`` or similar. Run ``hface server --help`` to see all server options. Client ------ A command-line HTTP client is included too: .. code-block:: shell hface client --cacert certs/cacert.pem https://localhost:5443 .. hint:: To test the client with a public server, do not set ``--cacert``. By default, the client opens a TPC connection and chooses between HTTP/1 or HTTP/2 based on ALPN in a TLS handshake. The client does not process the Alt-Svc header. Use the ``--http3`` option to open a QUIC (HTTP/3) connection. Run ``hface client --help`` to see all client options. Proxy ----- An HTTP proxy is included in hface. The proxy works in the tunneling mode only (the tunneling mode is typically used for HTTPS URLs, but can be used for insecure requests too). .. code-block:: shell hface proxy \ --cert certs/cert.pem --key certs/key.pem \ http://localhost:6080 https://localhost:6443 The hface client has proxy support: .. code-block:: shell hface client \ --cacert certs/cacert.pem \ --proxy https://localhost:6443 \ https://localhost:5443 The proxy can accept HTTP/1, HTTP/2, and HTTP/3 connections. In the tunneling mode, HTTP proxies can tunnel any TCP traffic. Try to pass combination of ``--proxy-http{1,2,3} --http{1,2}`` options to the client. Support for proxying UDP (HTTP/3) traffic is planned. Run ``hface proxy --help`` to see all proxy options. .. _ASGI: